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Referral pathways: Victim survivors - State and Territory services

As an employer, your role is not one of counsellor. If one of your employees is needing support during this time, it’s important to refer them to support services they need

For further advice on family and domestic violence see 1800RESPECT or call 1800 737 732.

For further advice about your workplace rights or information about how to deal with workplace disputes, refer to the Fair Work Ombudsman or call 13 13 94.


Organisation Contact Phone Description Website
Domestic Violence Crisis Service (02) 6280 0900 Provides free 24/7 crisis intervention services to anyone who is experiencing, or has experienced, domestic and family violence. Provided 365 days a year. dvcs.org.au
Women's Legal Centre 1800 634 669 Assists women experiencing family violence, separation, and divorce to find safety and obtain legal advice. wlc.org.au
SupportLink 1300 656 200 Offers referral services specifically for victims of family violence in non-crisis situations. This ensures there is appropriate follow up care for victims after police are no longer required. supportlink.com.au
YWCA Canberra (02) 6185 2000 Provides essential, quality services for women, girls and families in the ACT and surrounding regions. ywca-canberra.org.au
YWCA Canberra Children's Services (02) 6185 2040 Offers early childhood education and care, family day care, school age care and school holiday programs across the Canberra region. Cares for around 3000 children each week through their children’s services. ywca-canberra.org.au
Canberra Rape Crisis Centre (02) 6247 2525 A counselling service for people dealing with the police, the criminal justice system, or the health system. Available for adults, children, families and young people who have been impacted by sexual violence, whether recently or long ago. Open 7am-11pm, 7 days a week. Also offers a service assisting male survivors of sexual assault. communityservices.act. gov.au/domestic-and- family-violence- support/list-of- services/disability/canberra-rape-crisis-centre
ACT Disability and Carer Advocacy (ADACAS) (02) 6242 5060 Promotes and protects the rights of people with disability, people experiencing mental ill-health, older people and their carers. adacas.org.au


Organisation Contact Phone Description Website
Domestic Violence Line 1800 656 463 Trained female who counsellors can help you contact police, get medical care, obtain an Apprehended Violence Order (AVO), develop a safety plan or find emergency accommodation. Available 24/7. dcj.nsw.gov.au/children -and-families/family- domestic-and-sexual-violence.html
No to Violence 1300 766 491 Men’s referral service – men's behaviour change programs (Vic, NSW, SA, Tas). ntv.org.au/sector- resources/nsw-mens- behaviour-change- network/
West Connect Domestic Violence Services (02) 4732 2318 Provided by women, offers support, services and accommodation options in the Western Sydney area, to women and children experiencing or escaping family and domestic violence. Also provide specialised support for refuges, Aboriginal women, single women, older women and lesbian and transgender women. dvwest.org.au
Sydney Homeless Connect 1800 152 152 NSW-wide support service for those experiencing or at risk of homelessness. Available 24/7. sydneyhomelessconnect.com/services/link2home
Rape & Domestic Violence Services Australia – Domestic Violence Impact Line 1800 943 539 Offers expert, confidential telephone, online and face-to-face counselling to people of all genders who have experienced sexual, domestic or family violence, and specialist help for their supporters and those experiencing vicarious trauma. shil.nsw.gov.au/health-Professionals/Referral-Manual-(1)/NSW-Rape- Crisis
Aurora App   A free Smartphone App for people experiencing domestic and family violence in NSW. It is an accessible way of finding information, support and services about domestic violence in NSW. Available via app stores


Organisation Contact Phone Description Website
Dawn House (08) 8945 1388 Provides crisis accommodation and counselling services. Shelter staff can provide advocacy services, referrals to other services, support with legal matters, budgeting advice, and more. Open 8am-4pm, Monday- Friday. dawnhouse.org.au
Tangentyere Council (08) 8951 4222 Provides a range of programs that focus on the safety of Aboriginal community members in both Alice Springs Town Camps and Urban Alice Springs. tangentyere.org.au
NT Legal Aid Commission 1800 019 343 Provides legal assistance for those that may have experienced domestic violence. legalaid.nt.gov.auv
NT Government   A range of services per region of NT can be found on this webpage. nt.gov.au/law/crime/domestic-family-and- sexual-violence/get- help-for-domestic-family-and-sexual-violence


Organisation Contact Phone Description Website
DVConnect – womensline 1800 811 811 Free helpline for women and their children in Queensland who are experiencing domestic and family violence. Available 24/7. dvconnect.org/womensline
ElderAbuse Helpline 1300 651 192 Support for anyone who experiences, witnesses or suspects that an older person is being abused by someone they know and trust. eapu.com.au/elder-abuse- helpline
Women's Legal Service (QLD) 1800 957 957 Free legal and social work help with domestic violence, complex family law and sexual assault notes counselling privilege matters to women and people who live and identify as women in Queensland. wlsq.org.au
Family and Child Connect 13 32 64 Provides free, unlimited and confidential advice relating to family and parenting challenges. familychildconnect.org.au
Immigrant Women’s Support Service (07) 3846 3490 Offers free confidential, practical and emotional support to immigrant and refugee women from non-English speaking backgrounds and their children who have experienced domestic and/or sexual violence. iwss.org.au
Domestic Violence Prevention Centre (07) 5532 9000 Operates on the Gold Coast and Beenleigh, provides a wide range of programs to support women and their children affected by domestic and family violence including crisis support, counselling, court support, security upgrades, children and young people, and women’s groups. Open 9am-4.30pm, Monday to Friday. domesticviolence.com.au
Centre Against Domestic Abuse Inc. (CADA) (07) 5498 9533 Operates on the Moreton Bay Region (North Coast Region). Provides safe, accessible and appropriate services that contribute to the prevention of domestic and family violence in the community, and which support and empower people affected by domestic and family violence, using a range of services, including crisis support, keeping safe at home program, adult counselling, children’s counselling, court assistance, and strengthening family connections program. Open 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday. cada.org.au


Organisation Contact Phone Description Website
No to Violence 1300 766 491 Men’s referral service – men's behaviour change programs (Vic, NSW, SA, Tas). ntv.org.au/mrs/mens- behaviour-change-programs/
Women's Safety Services SA (08) 8152 9200 Provide a range of services, including a crisis phone line and services that cater to Indigenous and migrant women and children escaping violent situations. Open Monday to Friday, 8.30am-5pm. womenssafetyservices.com.au
Domestic Violence Crisis Line (DVCL) 1800 800 098 Open 24 hours, provides crisis counselling, support and referral to safe accommodation. sa.gov.au
SA Abuse Prevention Phone line – Adult Safeguarding Unit 1800 372 310 Provides free, confidential advice, information, or support to those over 18 who may be vulnerable and/or experiencing abuse — including elder abuse. Open Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm (except on public holidays). sahealth.sa.gov.au
Legal Services Commission of South Australia 1300 366 424 Provides free, preliminary legal information, advice and referrals, help with intervention and tenancy orders. lsc.sa.gov.au
Women’s Domestic Violence Court Assistance Service 1800 246 642 Provides legal assistance for women in South Australia affected by domestic and family violence. wdvcas.lsc.sa.gov.au


Organisation Contact Phone Description Website
Victim Support Services 1800 608 122 Family Violence Counselling and Support Service, staffed 9am- midnight (Monday to Friday), 4pm- midnight (weekends and public holidays). health.tas.gov.au
Safe Choices 1800 806 189 Provides practical support, advice and referral to support services, for those people experiencing Family Violence, through providing the following services. Provides phone support and information packs. Open 9am-5pm (Monday to Friday). safechoicestas.org.au
No to Violence 1300 766 491 Men’s referral service – men's behaviour change programs (Vic, NSW, SA, Tas). ntv.org.au/mrs/mens- behaviour-change- programs
Family Violence Response and Referral Line 1800 633 937 The support line, which is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including public holidays, through the Tasmania Police radio room, offers an information and referral service by which callers are able to access the full range of response, counselling, information and other support services provided by Safe at Home. findhelptas.org.au/program/family-violence-response-and-referral- line/
Engender Equality (03) 6278 9090 Provides free and confidential, unlimited counselling for people affected by family violence, short or long-term, face-to-face, by the phone and/or online using Zoom. Suitable for people affected by family violence now or in the past. engenderequality.org.au
Yemaya Women's Support Service (03) 6334 0305 A free and confidential service providing medium to long-term post-crisis support for women who are or have been in an abusive/violent relationship. yemaya.com.au
RAIN (West and North West Tasmania) 1800 243 232 Provides social and practical support for women, men and children who have been subjected to family violence. anglicare-tas.org.au
Huon Domestic Violence Service (Huon Valley) (03) 6264 2222 Provides a free and confidential service to anyone affected by family violence in the Huon Valley. Open 9am-4pm Monday to Friday. huondomesticviolence.com.au


Organisation Contact Phone Description Website
Safe Steps 1800 015 188 Family violence response service 24-hour telephone line. safesteps.org.au
Relationship Matters 1300 543 396 Men's behaviour change program. relationshipmatters.com.au
No to Violence 1300 766 491 Men’s referral service – men's behaviour change programs (Vic, NSW, SA, Tas). ntv.org.au/mrs/mens- behaviour-change- programs
Safe+Equal N/A A searchable directory of family violence services in Victoria. safeandequal.org.au
Berry Street 03 9429 9266 Provides support for victim- survivors. berrystreet.org.au/what- we-do/family-violence- services
Womens Legal Service Vic 1800 133 302 Provides support for women experiencing family violence. womenslegal.org.au
Rainbow Door 1800 729 367 Provides generalist LGBTIQ+ support. rainbowdoor.org.au
Djirra 1800 105 303 Provides Aboriginal family violence legal and support services. djirra.org.au
Dardi Munwurro Aboriginal Men Support Service 1800 435 799 Men's healing and behaviour change. dardimunwurro.com.au
inTouch 1800 755 988 Provides services, programs and responses to family violence in migrant and refugee communities. intouch.org.au
Sexual Assault Crisis Line 1800 806 292 Provides crisis support for victims of sexual assault. sacl.com.au
Sexual Assault Services Vic Various Peak body for Centre Against Sexual Assault (CASA) services. Includes a link to find a service in your local area. sasvic.org.au
Victims of Crime Helpline 1800 819 817 Provides support for people affected by crime. victimsofcrime.vic.gov.au
WIRE (Women's Information and Referral Exchange) 1300 134 130 Provides free generalist support for women, non-binary and gender diverse people. wire.org.au


Organisation Contact Phone Description Website
Women's Domestic Violence Helpline 1800 007 339 Provides support for women, with or without children, who are experiencing family and domestic violence in Western Australia (including referrals to women’s refuges). Open 24 hours. wa.gov.au/service/community- services/community- support/womens- domestic-violence- helpline
Crisis Care 1800 199 008 Provides after-hours responses to reported concerns for a child’s safety and wellbeing and information and referrals for people experiencing crisis. Open 24 hours. wa.gov.au/service/com munity- services/community-support/crisis-care
Sexual Assault Resource Centre 1800 199 888 Provides a range of free services to people affected by sexual violence. Open 24 hours kemh.health.wa.gov.au/other-services/sarc
Men’s Domestic Violence Helpline 1800 007 339 Provides telephone information and referral to ongoing face-to- face services for men who are concerned about their violent and abusive behaviours. wa.gov.au/service/community- services/community-support/mens- domestic-violence- helpline