...support them to make a safety plan and provide information that supports their choices and links them to internal and external support services including professional family and domestic violence supp...
...and domestic violence and help them understand how it may be impacting you and what support could help. What other supports may be available to you? As well as paid FDV leave, you can ask: ...
...and family and domestic violence services. The aim of this website is to help business owners understand their obligations around paid family and domestic violence leave provisions. It also offers r...
...and visit the Fair Work Ombudsman's Paid family and domestic leave page. Visit the referral and support pathways page for additional support.
...and understand information and support services. Cultural norms may impact how people perceive family and domestic violence and whether they choose to access supports. For more information, see 180...
...Supporting them to access counselling, or providing resources and pathways for support. Allowing time to attend court hearings and other activities that will support behaviour change and promote sa...
...and domestic violence, which includes practical information and is safe and easy to access. We foster a positive and supportive workplace culture which allows our team members to feel safe and to a...
...support to a member of their immediate family or household who is experiencing family and domestic violence. The Fair Work Ombudsman has a range of tools and resources to help people understand more...
...support women and their children affected by domestic and family violence including crisis support, counselling, court support, security upgrades, children and young people, and women’s groups. Open 9...
...supports would help them to feel safe at work, such as changes to hours and location. Let employees experiencing family and domestic violence know about supports that are available to them and offe...
...and confidentially. If you’re supporting an employee who is experiencing family and domestic violence, it’s important that you understand the legal rules of confidentiality requirements around FD...
...support for separated dads and their families. The service promotes the prevention of behaviour that is harmful or abusive. Services include a telephone helpline, support groups, one-to-one support an...
For further advice on family and domestic violence see 1800RESPECT or call 1800 737 732.
For further advice about your workplace rights or information about how to deal with workplace disputes, refer to the Fair Work Ombudsman or call 13 13 94.