...tips for how to have these important conversations. Ask your employee if there is anything you can do to ensure the workplace is safe for them and other employees. Preparing for a conversation ...
...to protect your privacy and confidentiality. For more information see the Respecting privacy and confidentiality page. Tips for talking to your manager about your experience of family and domestic v...
...employee, and they’re out of character, it’s good to check in and ask if they’re ok. You can learn some tips for how to talk to your employees in the Tips for talking to your employee page. Want...
...formation on the Tips for talking to your employee page. Know, where it is safe to do so, how to support employees who are perpetrators to attend court and behaviour change programs. Talk to emplo...
...employee, talk to them. The Tips for talking to your employee resource provides useful information to help you prepare for the conversation. Remember, victim-survivors may not want to disclose their...
...to support a coworker experiencing family and domestic violence Key takeaways Suggest places that they can go to for help. Encourage them to talk to their manager if it’s safe. Protect their pr...
...employee is experiencing family and domestic violence, they can access FDV leave to deal with the impacts of the family and domestic violence. What needs to be happening for you to be able to take...
...employees may not be able to provide much, or any, advance notice if they need to take FDV leave. you can ask your employee for evidence to show that they need to take or took the leave to deal wit...
For further advice on family and domestic violence see 1800RESPECT or call 1800 737 732.
For further advice about your workplace rights or information about how to deal with workplace disputes, refer to the Fair Work Ombudsman or call 13 13 94.